Monday, December 28, 2009


According Immanuel Kant, there are 4 mind’s aspects which in human mind, i.e.: quality, quantity, relation, and category. By more intention and awareness, it will create a mathematics education phenomenon. For instance, a teacher gives a picture of cube. What require to be thought is size and shape for called it a cube. Otherwise about matter or how much we needed to make a cube is not important. This matter needn’t be thought, throw away to epoche.
On mathematics education phenomenon there are two aspect i.e. teaching and learning. On learning process, the phenomena of teaching and learning of mathematics must be science. It’s core of learning. So that, we need a cogitation. The cogitation is consist of two kinds, button-up or top-down ( begin from theory which needs reference from book, journal and research report).
Otherwise the science itself focuses on student’s mathematics thinking which it got from reference. For instance, such like Katagiri said about student’s mathematics learning. There are 3 types: attitude, method, content.
Student’s mathematics learning is seen as a frame work of the nature school mathematics can be figure as follow:
Pattern Problem solving investigation Communication

By investigating the table above, we can conclude that for every mind aspect which is expressed by Immanuel Kant, it could be categorized as three types of contain in student’s mathematics learning that is expressed by Katagiri, and also if we investigate deeper, there is a correlation between thinking aspects and type of contains of student’s mathematics learning that is expressed by Katagiri which is called as networking. Based on the conclusion above, the table above can be categorized and be a networking. So we can draw a theory.

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